NHS Wales implement MRS

WJP Software (WJPS) Limited have been working with NHS Wales to implement their Microbiological Reporting System (MRS) across 7 Health Boards and 5 Public Health Laboratory’s which sees a whole country approach. NHS Wales have been keen on progressing the system for several years and thanks to a Welsh Government Grant it has finally been realised. The software will allow EL Auditors to access standardised data and reports across the country while make the whole process of data entry and reporting easier and more consistent for end users.

Laura-Jayne Keating, All Wales Specialist Pharmacist QA/QC (Regional QA Wales) said ‘The MRS system will provide us with the easy access and added assurance needed when reviewing and auditing both licensed and unlicensed aseptic facilities within NHS Wales. The system will be implem1_MRS_Icon_Proto_1.pngented across Wales as an ‘All Wales’ initiative which fits with our collaborative approach to technical services within NHS Wales. I am personally looking forward to working with James and his team to fully utilise this great opportunity’.

James Proctor MD of WJP Software Limited said “This is a very exciting project which allows us to show how MRS can work across a whole country and work to support the NHS Wales approach. Not only will we provide the system, but we will also host the data for them, which is new as most customers host their own data. We have been working on this project for a while, so it is nice to see it finally come to fruition and we look forward to working with Laura-Jayne and the NHS Wales team’.

The next step for the project is to train the users whilst validating the system. Validation involves automated testing, which is done in house at WJPS and then running a number of scenarios defined by WJPS but run by NHS Wales. Users then go onto run their own validation using a months’ worth of data or similar. This offers an opportunity to iron out any issues before the system goes live.

Published: 15/09/2019 Published by: Admin

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