MD presents update on National Aseptic Error Reporting Scheme software

National Error Reporting Dashboard ReportAt a recent NHS Pharmaceutical Aseptic Services Group (PASG) meeting, WJP Software’s Managing Director, James Proctor, presented an update of the National Aseptic Error Reporting Scheme software which is being developed to replace the current system of manual spreadsheets.

The web-based system will see data collected via a dedicated website, also, hosted by WJP Software, with each Trust entering data. The software will automatically be collated and trended. During the presentation, James talked through the national data reports which will be able to be generated. These include (with images):

  • Factors leading to errors
  • Licensed status
  • Product category
  • Potential outcome
  • Error type
  • Severity
  • Unit errors

Alongside this, the system will automatically provide a 12-month percentage failure rate showing the national number of products made Vs the number of failures.

The presentation update was well received, and the project will launch so Trusts can start inputting data. 


Published: 10/02/2020 Published by: Admin

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